Entries by Jim Marcotte/Two Town Studios

How Hard Can That Be?

They were replaying a segment of a Charlie Rose interview with Steve Martin this morning on the CBS Morning Show. Whether you like him or not (I do), Steve Martin is an immensely talented comic, writer, actor, teacher, musician and a serious collector of art to boot. He was asked what kind of advice he […]

Who’s Your Daddy?

The art director loves it, the review committee loves it, but when it comes time to sign a contract someone along the line does not understand the message and kills the project. In this business it is sometimes difficult to get a handle on who you are actually working to please, and this can definitely […]

Say What?

One of the nice things about being in this business is that art licensing, for the most part, is not a cutthroat business. If you have ever spent much time in other commercial disciplines you know exactly what I am talking about, and also know how rare this is. Yes, you have competition and it […]

Tidbits 2012

We’re just back from 5 days in Atlanta, a good trip even if the market traffic was a little down. The summer markets are never as well attended as the January show, but our clients were telling us that traffic was off a little more than normal, although most seemed happy about the business they […]


Surtex was a good show this year, and you likely have heard that by now because it seems to be trumpeted from every platform in the industry. I do not recall seeing this kind of buzz continue this long AFTER a show, and while it was a good one I am not sure that it […]

Surtex: the Good, the Bad

Another Surtex, another good show. Actually, a really good show.  We had a steady stream of attendees throughout the 3 days, although Monday was definitely the busiest, and we were still showing work at 6:15 on Tuesday as the place was being dismantled around us. I LOVE that. Traffic had the appearance of being down […]

You want what when?

It was a recipe for potential disaster with a client. A recent occurrence: Our client had finally picked up a collection for an upcoming catalog after a week’s worth of back and forth modifications with the artist. We all allowed ourselves a big sigh of relief – till the next shoe dropped: they wanted the […]